まずは、US Newsで扱われた「大学に行く価値はあるのか?」というテーマで掲載された、プリンストン大学で教育経済学を教えている先生の議論を要点だけご紹介します。
First, when considering the direct costs, tuition and student debt have not grown "unmanageable."
Approximately 66 percent of four-year college graduates borrow money to pay for school, and among those, the average debt is just under $20,000; fewer than 10 percent of those who borrow owe more than $30,000. While this is not insignificant, it does mean that a full 34 percent do not borrow to pay for their four-year college degree.
私は私のスピーチを何に与えない! ? ?
The biggest cost of attending college is the foregone income not earned from working full time. And yet one of the best documented relationships in economics is that between education and labor market outcomes. Those with a college degree are more likely to find a job in the first place and earn more; the median annual income of a college graduate (with no further schooling) is about $46,000--nearly $21,000 more than the median high school graduate earns. This advantage adds up significantly over a lifetime. Some argue that these gains are not due to colleges themselves but merely reflect the talents that students bring to their studies, but years of research in economics finds that more education does cause much of the increase in earnings. And not only do those with more education enjoy higher incomes, they are also healthier and there is good evidence that their children will be better off as well.
That said, as with any investment there is some risk. This is why it is important that students fully understand the terms of their loans and obtain as much information as they can about the earnings they are likely to receive in their chosen careers
In general, if you compare the costs to the lifetime benefits of a college degree, it is clear that for most students the degree is well worth the time, cost, and effort.
次に、NY Timesで扱われた「米国は教育にお金と時間を使いすぎているか?」というテーマでの同じ先生の議論に触れます。
The measure by which to judge whether or not our society devotes too much time and money to education is if the costs of providing the schooling outweigh the resulting benefits. To date, we have not crossed that threshold. A high school graduate still earns about 45 percent more than a high school drop out, and a college graduate (with no further education) earns over 50 percent more than a high school graduate.
More generally, better-educated workers not only enjoy higher income, but also better health, decreased likelihood of committing crimes and less reliance on social programs. As such, not only are there important benefits to the individual of attaining higher levels of education but also to the rest of society.
All signs suggest that the need for a strong education system will continue to grow as employers increasingly demand workers with strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills. Innovative and productive workers are essential for strong economic growth. In these trying economic times, we should be looking for ways to effectively increase our investments in education, not cut them.
The economic evidence strongly suggests we are underinvesting, not overinvesting, in education. Individuals with bachelor's degrees earn about 60 percent more than those with just a high school diploma, who in turn earn about 40 percent more than high school dropouts -- evidence of continued strong demand for educated workers.(中略) But there is still no single variable under individuals' control that better predicts economic success.
Last month, the unemployment rate for college grads was 4.3 percent, less than half the overall rate. We might worry more about the 50 percent of college entrants who never earn any degree (yet may still incur significant debt), or about the nearly 40 percent of young adults who have no education beyond high school. And we might worry about the erosion in public support for education at the precise moment when it is most valuable.
この3つの議論から大学生が多すぎるかどうか考える時に、教育経済学者は①コスト(授業料・放棄所得・助成金)、②資金の利用可能性(教育ローン、奨学金)、③教育のリターン(学歴賃金格差・学歴失業率格差・健康・犯罪・社会保障・子どもの福祉)、の少な くとも3つの観点から分析する事が分かるかと思います(実務だともう少し考慮する点が多いですが)。
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